

Healing the Wounded

The Pupose & Power of Confessing Our Sins

Source text: 1 John 1:5-10 

Sin is real and it is always lurking. Sin is separation from God! We must always be ready to fight off the temptations to sin. 

1 John 1:8 says, “If we say we have no sin, we _____________________ ourselves. 

It also goes as far as to say that the ________________is not ____________________!

Verse 10 says that if we say we haven't sinned we make God a ____________!

Confessing Our Sins Helps Us: 

  1. _______________________________________
  2. _______________________________________
  3. _______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________
  5. _______________________________________
  6. _______________________________________

1 John 1:9 tells us that God is ______________to forgive us our sins if we are willing to confess them. 

Remember God gives us an incredibly great power. We often forget just how powerful it can be when used correctly. 

                       THE GREATEST POWER KNOWN TO MAN IS: ______________________________

Love one another in such a way as to instill trust and kinship when the need to share our burdens comes. 

Closing Thought:

Understanding the power that comes from confessing your faults and needs, do you have something you want/need to share with someone today? 

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