Bible Classes

Bible Classes

Manna, Capital and Tithing

Series: God's Provision

Beyond the Pentateuch, the Old Testament continues to teach us valuable lessons about money and material things.  Begining in the book of Joshua, we read about Israel's conquest of Canaan and possession of the Promised Land, with God's strategic and vital assistance. 

With the division of land amond the tribes (Joshua 14-22), Israel began to an almost completely new existence.  For forty years, the Israelites had been a nation of nomadic wanderers.  They only possesssed what they could carry and lived in the harsh wildrness environment in which other nations did not desire to live....

The Concept of Capital

Personal Responsibility

The Wisdom of God in Captial

Dangers Inherent in Capitalism

Tithing:  Rudimentary Principles on the Grace of Giving

May  Have Been Three Seperate Tithes

Change Brought by New Covenant

What We Can Learn From Tithing

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