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“Let Down Your Nets For A Catch”
In Luke 5:4, Jesus tells His fishermen disciples to “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4). Simon replies, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5).
I am not a fishermen but I can totally relate to how Simon felt. He had given up on fishing for the day. Nothing seemed to be working. When Jesus arrived he was “washing the nets” (5:2). To him, it seemed nearly pointless to keep trying. He was exhausted. Tired. Disappointed. Disheartened. Done.
Yet, Jesus says try one more time and Simon does it and “they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking” (Luke 5:6). Simon’s breaking point leads to a breaking point. How many times does God come through like this in our lives?
Sometimes we get tired of trying to do the right things and seeing no results. Like the disciples, we are ready to just call it quits and give up for a while. We invite people to hear the gospel but some do not come. We preach but see little response. We try to be good husbands and wives and it often seems unnoticed. We try to be good parents and it might go unappreciated. We are trying hard to serve the Lord and sometimes just fall flat on our face. So, we get tired. We get ready to quit and hang it up.
When those moments come, hear Jesus saying, “Let down your nets for a catch.” God can often come through with slivers of grace when we need Him the most. Keep fishing...and wait.