

If God Took a Satisfaction Survey

Evaluating My Faithfulness


Luke 14:27 - Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 

We want to do our very best in serving the Lord. Let's take a look at how we are doing. 

Acts 10 / Cornelius - Doing his best because he did all he could to please God and ensure others could hear the same life-giving news!

Verse 33: "So I sent for you  ________  _____________ , and you have been kind enough to come. Now therefore we are ___________  here in the presence of  ___________ to hear ________ that you have been commanded by the Lord." 

Luke 18 / Rich Ruler - NOT willing to give God his best because he loved his money too much! 

Verse 25: "For it is easier for a  _____________ to go through the  _________  ________  _______  _______________________ than for a rich person to enter the  ____________________ of God." 

To Ensure my BEST service to God: 

  • Get started NOW!
  • Don't try to do it alone.
  • Don't lose heart when it gets tough 


If God had to fill out a satisfaction survey of our service and faithfulness, how would we fare??? Do your best! Until you know better, THEN DO BETTER! (Ref. Luke 14:26) 


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