

Seeking Wisdom From Above

Source text: James 3:13-18


Who is wise and understanding among you?


But the wisdom from ________ is first _________, then _____________, ___________, open to __________, full of mercy and good ___________, impartial and _____________.  And a harvest of ___________________ is sown in ___________ by those who make ________. (Ref. James 3:17-18)


Our theme and focus of developing CONFIDENCE as Christians the past year comes from the sentiment found in what scripture reference?   __________   ___ : ___ - ____


Isaiah 1:18 helps us see that God wants us to reason through His inspired and timeless truths to recognize our sin, and to develop a faith that will preserve our souls for all eternity.



The works of the flesh are ___________.   (Ref Gal. 5:19a)

Those that practice such things will ____ ____________ the _____________ of God. (Ref. Gal. 5:21)


Who then, can separate us from the love of Christ?  ____ _______ !


1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reminds us that the ungodly will not _____________ the kingdom of God.

It also tells us that some of us were that way, but we have been _________, ______________, _______________, in the name of the _______ _________.


Closing Thought:

As our thoughts turn toward the new year coming, have we grown in our confidence in God? In our faith? In our desires to serve God more frequently?  (Ref. 2 Peter 1:10-11)

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