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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/24/16 The Empty Barrel Craig Davis N/A Sunday AM 160724-A.mp3 The_Empty_Barrel.pdf
07/24/16 When the “Golden Calf” Came Out David Ferry N/A Sunday PM 160724-B.mp3 When_the_Golden_Calf_Came_Out.pdf
07/18/16 “Save Yourselves From This Crooked Generation” Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160717-A.mp3 Save_Yourselves_From_This_Crooked_Generation.pdf
07/18/16 Psalm 137: Lessons from a Psalm of Exile Bo Baker N/A Sunday PM 160717-B.mp3
07/15/16 God and Patterns Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-8.mp3
07/14/16 Reasoning from the Scriptures Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-7.mp3
07/13/16 Is Jesus the Only Way? Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-6.mp3
07/12/16 Can We Use the Bible to Prove the Bible? Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-5.mp3
07/11/16 Can We Trust the New Testament? Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-4.mp3
07/10/16 The Foundation and Need for Authority Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607GM-1.mp3
07/10/16 Christ the King Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-2.mp3
07/10/16 How God Communicates His Will Doy Moyer The Treasure Chest of God's Word VBS 1607-GM-3.mp3
07/03/16 The Treasure Chest of God’s Word Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160703-A.mp3 The_Treasure_Chest_of_God.pdf
07/03/16 GOD: The Greatest Treasure of Them All Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 160703-B.mp3 GOD_The_Greatest_Treasure_of_Them_All.pdf
06/26/16 The Old Testament Fulfilled Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160626-A.mp3 The_Old_Testament_Fulfilled.pdf
06/26/16 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” Craig Davis N/A Sunday PM 160626-B.mp3 Have_Thine_Own_Way_Lord.pdf
06/19/16 Fathers Who Walk with God Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160619-A.mp3 Fathers_Who_Walk_with_God.pdf
06/19/16 A God-Shaped Approach to Stress Craig Davis N/A Sunday PM 160619-B.mp3 A_God_Shaped_Approach_to_Stress.pdf
06/12/16 “Kiss the Son” Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160612-A.mp3 Kiss_the_Son.pdf
06/12/16 Who Killed Jesus? Jason Hardin N/A Sunday PM 160612-B.mp3 Who_Killed_Jesus.pdf
06/05/16 "This Will Be Your Opportunity" Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM This_Will_Be_Your_Opportunity.pdf This_Will_Be_Your_Opportunity.mp3
06/05/16 "I Saw the Lord" Casey Rupp N/A Sunday PM I_Saw_the_Lord.pdf I_Saw_the_Lord.mp3
05/29/16 Spiritual Refreshment, Day by Day Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160529-A.mp3 Spiritual_Refreshment_Day_by_Day.pdf
05/22/16 The Three Triumphal Entrances of Jesus Jason Hardin N/A Sunday AM 160522-A.mp3 The_Three_Triumphal_Entrances_of_Jesus.pdf
05/22/16 Be Devoted to One Another in Love Dewayne Campbell N/A Sunday PM 160522-B.mp3 Be_Devoted_to_One_Another_in_Love.pdf

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